Switch search provider on the fly? - Microsoft Community


i love option search directly address bar (via ? or ctrl-e) using various search providers have configured.

having use mouse change provider while being on keyboard quite annoying.

is there option switch search provider on fly without using mouse click on provider icon?

p.s.: yes, keyboard junky ;-)


i testing , use ie test websites every , then. don't use ie as chrome query, follow simple way.

in address bar, type "?" (question-mark without quotes)

then, can use down arrow keys reach 'search providers' section.

one there, can use left/right arrow keys , hit enter once on search provider want ;)

at point, notice cursor in address bar.

now, type search query , hit enter , ie show results in selected search provider.

i hope helps. if using better method, interested know 1 works me , saves time when working on windows.


Internet Explorer / Internet Explorer 11 / Windows 7


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