My phone gets very hot and off by itself. - Microsoft Community

please, can advice me on in getting problem solved can't make use of phone newly bought because gets hot , goes off whenever using it.

hi emiko,

phones may tend warm due various factors. in order deal them, here of our suggestions:

  1. restart phone. turn off phone 10 seconds, turn up.
  2. try limit applications , functions use @ same time.
  3. make sure phone doesn’t have pending software updates or app updates. if there pending app updates in store, complete or cancel them.

note:  in cases, normal phone feel warm if either: using multiple high-performing apps; listening music extended time; when downloading extensive amounts of data; or when phone charging.

if after doing our suggestions , still noticed phone still continuously gets warm, or if phone got hot despite using 1 app, or none @ all, please let know.

Mobile Devices / Microsoft Lumia and Nokia Lumia


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