I NEED IE VERSION" 8" - Microsoft Community

need download ie explorer version "8". can`t find place can it..help !

ie8 no longer supported - nor ie9 or ie10.

<non relevant content removed> and if you're running winxp or older, shouldn't on internet begin with...


"i am75 years old. in pretty shape age. live in own home, girl friend..."

source: https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/profile/bc679ec9-4b1d-4e48-88c1-23a549775983#user-profile-tab-profile

cf. https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/ie/forum/ie8-windows_xp/ie-8-for-windows-xp-32-bit-i-would-beg-borrow/1f2d65a1-97b3-4e50-9bee-f44bcf9414ab


Internet Explorer / Internet Explorer 8 / Other/Unknown


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