hello everyone,
in our company have many employee's work lumia 550. experience problems when update released , should installed. time kb3213986 (os-build 14393.693) update.
the update won't start, @ all, , keeps displaying 0 % on screen days.
tried think of like;
changing automatic preference time start update,
constant wifi, wifi access point,
wifi disabled , put on wifi, still same problem,
switch 4g,
removing outlook account from store and remove outlook mail account , putting both accounts back,
flightmode on , off, wifi on,
soft reset,
phone on , off,
battery full, battery out , putting in,
remove skype store,
enough storage on phone,
remove old phone in outlook account, detects new correct phone.
everything hard reset. hard reset absolute last option.
does have solution ?
we suggest perform hard reset. can reset phone under settings: settings
> > reset phone. make sure of files before performing hard reset.
go settings
> backup > apps + settings > back now.
let know results.
Mobile Devices / Microsoft Lumia and Nokia Lumia / Software update / 500-series
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